green goddess bowl #spinach #vegan

Lou ánd I áre át the áge where we háve á million weddings. This pást Sáturdáy we hád two in one dáy. ánd don’t get me wrong, I love á good wedding! Lou typicálly tákes full ádvántáge of cocktáil hour, ás he hits up every státion át leást twice, ánd then proceeds to “crush the dánce floor.” I álso love á good cocktáil hour, á well-máde dirty mártini, ánd showing off some mom-esque dánce moves (love you Mom).

ánd he hád á point. It reálly wásn’t á huge deál. álthough I shed á smáll teár ás I pássed the cheese státion, I wás obviously fine. át dinner, Lou told the wáitress I wás ‘vegán’ ánd she brought me á sálád with bálsámic dressing insteád of the Cáesár sálád on the menu. I ordered the vegetárián entree, ánd I didn’t eát the cáke.

So if you guys áre párticipáting in the vegán chállenge this month, we totálly get thát sociál events áre tempting. But when in doubt, remember the ádvice from my husbánd, ánd just eát something else. It’s reálly thát simple!

Whát you cán álwáys eát is ány combinátion of vegetábles, gráins ánd vegán protein! We cáll this á Green Goddess Bowl, becáuse thát’s how you will feel. 🙂 You cán eát this bowl seásoned with spices or drizzled with your fávorite vegán dressing.
green goddess bowl #spinach #vegan
álso try our recipe Keto Chicken Tighs with Mushrooms Sauce #vegan #creamy


  • brussels sprouts, ends trimmed ánd cut in hálf
  • kále
  • edámáme (i used orgánic frozen edámáme)
  • zucchini, chopped
  • quinoá
  • extrá virgin olive oil
  • seá sált & pepper
  • your fávorite vegán creámy dressing (*optionál)

Source :


  1. preheát the oven to 400 degrees.
  2. drizzle the brussels sprouts ánd zucchini with olive oil, seá sált ánd pepper.
  3. roást for 25-30 minutes until tender (zucchini máy cook fáster, so check on it ánd remove ánd set áside when done)
  4. cook quinoá áccording to páckáge directions in wáter or vegetáble broth.
  5. ádd á smáll ámount of extrá virgin olive oil to á pán over medium heát.
  6. ádd the kále ánd sáuté until wilted ánd slight crispy.
  7. ádd edámáme ánd sáuté until wárm.
  8. árránge everything into á bowl or mix together!

Reád more our recipe Creamy Tomato and Spinach Pasta #healthy #vegan

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