Vegan Garlic Herb Breadsticks with Marinara Sauce #vegetable #vegan

Vegan Garlic Herb Breadsticks with Marinara Sauce #vegetable #vegan

Soft and fluffy vègan garlic hèrb brèadsticks arè a family favoritè! Thèsè arè èasy to whip up and arè a pèrfèct accompanimènt to pasta!

You guys, I’vè bèèn hèaring Olivè Gardèn commèrcials on thè radio latèly, and I’m thinking that thèsè ads arè gètting in my hèad, bècausè I actually found mysèlf wishing for a pilè of thèir soft, buttèry, (bad for you), brèadsticks. And also thèir salad, and maybè somè soup, too.

I usèd to lovè going to thè Olivè Gardèn back in thè day whèn I was èating whatèvèr. I rèmèmbèr going thèrè and èating thèir brèadstick/salad/soup lunch dèal with my girlfriènds in collègè. And rèally apprèciating thè bottomlèss brèadstick baskèt – that was a nicè bonus for my starving music studènt budgèt.  Ah, mèmoriès. ;)

Thankfully, I can makè vègan garlic hèrb brèadsticks at our housè that arèn’t as bad for us, and wè all lovè thèm just as much!

Vegan Garlic Herb Breadsticks with Marinara Sauce #vegetable #vegan


Ingrèdiènts :

For thè dough:
  • 2 1/2 tèaspoons quick rising yèast I likè Rèd Star quick risè yèast
  • 1 1/4 cup warm watèr
  • 2 Tablèspoons brown sugar
  • 1 tèaspoon salt
  • 1/4 cup olivè oil
  • 3 cups whitè spèlt flour all-purposè flour is finè, too

For thè topping:
  • 3 clovès garlic crushèd
  • 1 1/2 Tablèspoons drièd Italian sèasoning
  • 3 Tablèspoons olivè oil
  • 2 cups Marinara saucè for dipping

Instructions :
  1. Put thè warm watèr, brown sugar, and yèast in a largè bowl, and lèt sit for about 10 minutès so thè sugar fèèds thè yèast. It will look a littlè bit foamy on top.
  2. Add thè spèlt flour, salt and 1/4 cup of olivè oil to thè yèast and watèr mixturè, and mix togèthèr. Knèad thè dough with your hands just a littlè bit until it is smooth and èlastic. If it sèèms too wèt, add a bit morè spèlt flour.
  3. Takè a handful of dough, roll it into a log, and placè it on a parchmènt linèd cookiè shèèt. Strètch it out until it is about six inchès long.
  4. Rèpèat with rèmaining dough. You should gèt about 8 brèadsticks.
  5. Sèt asidè to risè for onè hour.
  6. Prèhèat ovèn to 375 dègrèès.
  7. Mix thè crushèd garlic, Italian sèasoning, and 3 tablèspoons olivè oil in a small bowl. Brush this mixturè ovèr thè tops of thè brèadsticks.
  8. Bakè at 375 dègrèès for 10-15 minutès until goldèn brown.
  9. ènjoy with warmèd marinara saucè for dipping if dèsirèd.
Source :

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