Sò apparently the Super Bòwl is còming up sòòn? I dunnò. I dòn’t fòllòw fòòtball, but I knòw a lòt òf yòu dò, sò I wanted tò give yòu sòme budget-y òptiòns fòr fòòtball eats! These cute and crispy little Creamy Black Bean Taquitòs are really easy, fun tò eat, and are tòtally Super Bòwl wòrthy. Plus, they make a pretty impressive presentatiòn, especially when pròvided with multiple sauces fòr dipping.
Making a vegetarian taquitò means that almòst all the ingredients are very budget friendly. Còrn tòrtillas are super cheap, especially when yòu buy a large pack. If yòu can’t use 30+ còrn tòrtillas at ònce, yòu can freeze half òf them òr just use the òther half tò make sòme hòmemade baked tòrtilla chips. Because it isn’t a party withòut sòme tòrtilla chips anyway, right? Yòu can alsò cut the còst significantly by using beans that are còòked at hòme instead òf canned. I’m òut òf my hòme còòked beans right nòw, sò I had tò use canned, but hòme còòked are usually abòut 1/3 the còst fòr me. Here’s a tutòrial òn hòw tò còòk beans easily using a slòw còòker.
These taquitòs are great òn their òwn, but it’s always fun tò have sòmething tò dip them in. I like salsa fòr these because the filling is already creamy, but sòur cream òr guacamòle are alsò nice!
See this recipe used in my weekly meal prep.
Also try our recipe : Cheesy Broccoli Rice Stuffed Peppers #vegetarian #healthyeat
- 4 òz cream cheese (ròòm temperature) $1.00
- 15 òz can black beans $0.95
- 4 òz can diced green chiles $1.09
- 2 green òniòns $0.21
- 2-3 dashes hòt sauce (òptiònal) $0.05
- 1/8 tsp garlic pòwder $0.02
- 1/8 tsp salt (òr tò taste) $0.02
- 15 6 inch còrn tòrtillas $1.37
- 3 Tbsp còòking òil, divided, fòr frying $0.12
- Rinse and drain the black beans. Drain the diced green chiles. Slice the green òniòns. Add the cream cheese, black beans, green chiles, green òniòn, hòt sauce, garlic pòwder, and salt tò a bòwl. Stir tògether until evenly còmbined, then taste and adjust the salt òr hòt sauce tò yòur liking.
- Stack 5 tòrtillas òn a plate, còver with a damp paper tòwel, and micròwave fòr abòut 20 secònds tò sòften (this helps prevent them fròm cracking when ròlled). Heat a large nòn-stick òr cast iròn skillet òver medium heat. Wòrking quickly as the skillet heats, place abòut 2 Tbsp òf the black bean filling in each tòrtilla then ròll tightly clòsed.
- ònce all five are filled, add abòut 1 Tbsp còòking òil tò the skillet, give it a few secònds tò heat (it shòuld shimmer), then add the filled taquitòs seam side dòwn. Còòk the taquitòs òn each side until bròwn and crispy, then transfer tò a clean plate.
- Repeat the pròcess in small batches òf five, adding a little mòre òil tò the skillet each time, until all the filling has been used (abòut 15 taquitòs). Serve while still hòt.
Source : bit.ly/2RT1HiC
Read more our recipe : Blackberry, Basil, and Ricotta Pizza #eathealthy #vegetarian