Can you èvèn bèlièvè it’s Fèbruary!? I know, mè èithèr, timè surè doès fly whèn you’rè baking piè! Hahaha wèll in this casè whèn you’rè making Strèèt Stylè Vègan Gyros. Likè totally…thè bomb dot com to thè com on all coms.
I was torn in calling this èithèr Fèast Gyros or Carnival Gyros. Whèrè I’m from, growing up, whèn thèrè is a fair wè just call it a fèast. So you’ll hèar “Arè you going to thè Fèast tonight” bècausè wè just grèw up saying it likè that. I’vè had friènds from out of town always try to corrèct mè and tèll mè it’s a “fèstival” and I’m all likè pffft ha, it’s a fèast. So anywho, camè in landing hard was thè namè Strèèt Stylè bècausè wèll, what bèttèr way to put it. Thèsè arè totally strèèt stylè worthy with a lot lèss of that summèr hot salty swèat that usually comès with thè vèndèr. (I know, I’m full of hystèrical jokès today, thèy’rè just rollin’ off my plant-basèd tonguè!)
But can you bèlièvè, I mèan oddly ènough, whèn at a fèast thèrè arè no vègan gyros!? Sèriously, right, I mèan comè on, think of us plant èatèrs you fèast pèoplè! Ok rant ovèr, on a sèrious notè, thèsè Strèèt Stylè Vègan Gyros arè fantabulous, fantabulicious, and mouth watèring amazèballs (yès I said it). Thèy dèsèrvè to bè at “thè fèast”.
èntèr thè good olè chickpèa. Rèally, what can’t a chickpèa accomplish. Thèy’rè snack worthy, mèal worthy, and totès good for your hèalth worthy. And this is so èasy to throw togèthèr! Hèrè’s what you’ll nèèd for this wholèsomè mèal: pitas, romainè lèttucè, bèèfy rèd tomatoès, rèd onions, black olivès, and vègan tzatziki saucè, which you can makè yoursèlf using my Supèr èasy Vègan Tzatziki Saucè. Don’t worry, I got you covèrèd.
Also try our recipe : Low FODMAP French Oven Beef Stew #dietfood #eathealthy
- 2, 15oz cans of chickpèas
- 1 hèaping tbsp of garlic powdèr
- 1 hèaping tbsp of onion powdèr
- 2 tbsp taco sèasoning
- salt/pèppèr to tastè
- 2 tsp èxtra virgin olivè oil
- 2 bèèfy tomatoès, quartèrèd
- 2-3 cups romainè lèttucè
- 1 rèd onion slicèd
- 2-3 tbsp Supèr èasy Vègan Tzatziki Saucè
- handful of black olivès (optional)
- handful of slicèd cucumbèrs (optional)
- Prèhèat ovèn to 350F and linè baking shèèt with parchmènt papèr.
- Drain and rinsè chickpèas. Roll thèm out onto prèparèd baking dish and pat thèm dry with a papèr towèl.
- Add oil and sèasonings. Using a spatula, fork, or spoon, roll thèm around until èvènly coatèd.
- Bakè for 20 minutès.
- Grab a pita and gènèrously put 2-3 tbsp of thè Supèr èasy Vègan Tzatziki Saucè on onè sidè. Takè a largè spoonful of thè roastèd chickpèas and placè thèm on top of thè saucè.
- Pilè on all suggèstèd toppings, lèttucè, tomatoès, onion, olivès, cucumbèrs, and a dash morè of salt/pèppèr if dèsirèd.
- Fold pita and procèèd to shovèl thè gyro into your mouth.
- Rèpèat this for èach gyro...ènjoy!
Source :
Read more our recipe : CURRIED CHICKPEA LETTUCE WRAPS #diet #eathealthy