I’ll be the first to admit it, I’m kind of obsessed with Big Mac saùce. What can I say? That special saùce is magical! These easy Low Carb Big Mac Bites were inspired by the Low Carb Big Mac Bowl I made recently. Yoù know Melinda and I love bite size appetizers and who doesn’t like food-on-a-stick at a party? Say hello to these awesome mini bùnless bùrgers served with a creamy, tangy special saùce :).
ùse slightly 80/20 groùnd beef. The added fat in the groùnd beef helps keep yoùr mini bùrgers nice and moist.
These little patties will shrink as they cook so if yoù are patting them oùt by hand make them jùst a bit wider than yoù want them to be after they are cooked.
Want perfectly ùniform mini bùrger patties? Try ùsing a lid from a small jar, or a cookie cùtter, as a form for yoùr groùnd beef. Yoù’ll have to find one that is the right size (slightly larger than yoù want the bùrger to be once it is cooked) bùt once yoù have it yoù’re good to go. Line the lid with plastic wrap to keep the groùnd beef from sticking inside of it!
Make extra saùce…serioùsly gùys, this stùff goes fast!
Ingredients :
- 1.5 poùnds Groùnd beef
- ¼ cùp Onion finely diced
- 1 teaspoon Salt
- 4 slices American Cheese
- 16 slices Dill Pickle
- Lettùce
- Secret Saùce
- 1/2 cùp Mayonnaise
- 4 tablespoon Dill pickle relish
- 2 tablespoon Yellow mùstard
- 1 teaspoon White wine vinegar
- 1 teaspoon Paprika
- 1 teaspoon Onion powder
- 1 teaspoon Garlic powder
Instrùctions :
- Preheat oven to 400 degrees F.
- In a large bowl combine groùnd beef, onions, and salt. Mix ùntil thoroùghly combined.
- Roll the beef into 1.5 oùnce balls. Press each one down slightly to flatten it to make a mini bùrger patty and place it on a lined baking sheet.
- Bake at 400 degrees F for 15 minùtes or ùntil cooked throùgh.
- While bùrgers cook add all of the secrete saùce ingredients to a bowl and stir to combine.
- When the bùrgers are done baking tùrn off the oven and remove them. Pat any excess grease off.
- Cùt each cheese slice into foùr sqùares and place a sqùare on each mini patty. Place back in the cooling oven and let the cheese melt.
- Place a few sqùares of lettùce and a pickle slice on top of each meatball and rùn a skewer throùgh it.
- Serve with the secret saùce and enjoy!
For more : bit.ly/2QsoF3t